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Welttag des Buches

Feiert den Welttag des Buches mit Bastelsets, die die Kreativität und die Liebe zum Lesen bei Kindern wecken! Von der Herstellung von Lesezeichen bis hin zum Entwurf von Requisiten, die von Geschichten inspiriert sind, erwecken diese lustigen Aktivitäten Bücher zum Leben. Ermutigt junge Leser, ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen, während sie sich ihren Weg in die magische Welt der Geschichten basteln.

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Educational Aids

Unlock a world of learning with our wide range of educational aids at Baker Ross! Our collection of craft kits and supplies is designed to help children of all ages enhance their learning in fun and creative ways. Whether you're a teacher looking to enrich your classroom or a parent wanting to support home learning, we offer an unbeatable selection of educational tools that are perfect for developing important development skills.

From coloured clay and presentation boards to reward stickers, marker pens and scissors, our educational craft supplies are tailored to support early learning in engaging, hands-on ways. With our range of activity sheets, educational posters, and interactive games, kids can practice key subjects while having fun. Our supplies are designed to make learning exciting, ensuring children remain motivated and inspired to continue learning.

Learning through crafting, building, and drawing, our educational aids encourage kids to practice fine motor skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking. Our products are suitable for individual activities, group projects, and classroom settings, offering versatility and endless opportunities for learning.

At Baker Ross, we believe in making education enjoyable, and our carefully curated educational aids provide the perfect tools for children to explore, discover, and grow. Support their academic journey with hands-on, creative resources that foster a love for learning at every step.

Zum Welttag des Buches bei Baker Ross einkaufen: Wir haben eine große Auswahl an exklusiven Bastelsets, Bastelbedarf und Spielzeug zu günstigen Preisen. Der Spaß kann beginnen! Baker Ross, seit 1974 eine Quelle der Inspiration für Kreativität

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